Zine Librarians unConferences

The Zine Librarians unConference, a.k.a. ZLuC, is an inspirational, informative, and fun gathering of people who care deeply about zines, their preservation, and their ability to change lives for the better. The unconference is held at least once a year and the location varies. The best place for information about upcoming events is the Zine Librarians email list.

Consider hosting the next ZLuC in your city! Find more information about what hosting ZLuC entails at the ZLuC Organizers Toolkit. Calls for proposals to host ZLuC are announced November of each year.

logo created for the first ZLuC by David Lasky

upcoming unconferences:

2025, online/virtual: Zine Librarians (un)Conference 2025

past unconferences:

2024, New York, NY: https://www.zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-nyc-2024

2023, San Francisco, CA: https://www.zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2023-san-francisco/

2020, online/virtual: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc2020/

2019, Olympia, WA: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-olympia

2019, Salt Lake City, UT: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2019-salt-lake

2018, Minneapolis, MN: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2018-msp

2017, Long Beach, CA: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2017-lgb

2016, Boston, MA:  http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2016-bos

2015, Olympia, WA: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2015-oly

2015, Austin, TX: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2015-atx

2014, Durham, NC: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc2014

2013, Iowa City, IA: http://iczluc.wikispaces.com (archive available at http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2013-iow)

2012, Pittsburgh, PA: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/pgh-zluc-2012-july-27th-28th-pittsburgh-pa

2011, Milwaukee, WI: http://mkezluc.wikispaces.com (archive available at http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2011-mke)

2010, Portland, OR: http://zinelibrarianconference.wikispaces.com (archive available at http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2010-pdx)

2009, Seattle, WA: http://seattle-zine-unconference.wikispaces.com (archive available at http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2009-sea)

4 thoughts on “Zine Librarians unConferences

  1. Pingback: In the Zine House: The Hallway and the Balcony – the polyphony

  2. Pingback: Reed Zine Library Prepares for Upcoming Zine Fest – Quest.

  3. Hello! Could you please add me to your mailing list if you have one? I learned about your unconf from a good friend Vero Melendez and would really like to attend next year! Thank you!

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