Wanna host the next Zine Librarian (un)Conference?

Interested in hosting the next ZL(u)C* in 2014? The Deciderer Committee needs some more information to do the decidering. Although all of these areas are important, be aware that inexpensive housing, easy access from other cities, and collaboration are among our top priorities.

Please answer the following questions (below the fold) and email your answers to kellymce@gmail.com by January 30, February 9, 2014. We hope to announce the next host by mid-February.

*The  Zine Librarian (un)Conference. You can see the proceedings of previous ZL(u)Cs here.

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Show & Tell

Purpose: Show & share documentation/documents for collects & maybe even upload them to the site.

Jenna: Donor Agreement

Trying to think about permissions & provenance. Part of the form: whether name or gender has changed.

Getting reimbursed for purchases made in person & with cash (zine fests, etc). As much info as possible about the event (fill it out ahead of time). Buying in person – use own cash and get cash back from the school.

Reciepts: zinesters can fill them out at zinefests.

Legal council on these documents??

Barnard used documents already in existence and modified them.

Getting a credit card from yr library/institution.

QZAP makes a manifesta of the donation. Also using Bento software to catalog which synchs with computers & iPads as a barefoot way to catalog.

QZAP asks for permission to digitize and if they don’t get an answer they put it up but will take it down if they are asked. Have a section on fair us on the site.

U of Iowa: Some zines are digitized. “Memorandum of Understanding”

ZAPP: catalogingandpreservation.pbworks.com

FAIL at Flywheel: Going to have a cataloging party – maybe use librarything. (Soapbox & Jude use librarything). Fail advice??

ABC No Rio: filemaker pro database. Crappy but still in use. (Lesson: Whatever you start to use you will probably continue to use even if it sucks).

Build the database in an online environment s it can be browsed & edited simultaneously and is not on-site. Always backup. Multiple backups in multiple places.

Bento: Can you lock records?

Celina: catalogs in excel (removable fields for when patrons browse). Excel isn’t very searchable. Librarians end up pulling things for patrons.

Celina: Had a successful zine night. Had people make zines. There was a complaint about some of the content. Now they can’t really distribute the zine.

Kelly: Zine machine which has free zines available. Disruptive Technology event (mostly IT & faculty tech event). Made a zine for the event. Factulty have reached out about using zines in the collection.

Alana: has a zine workspace in the library & has open lab hours. Helps to suss out last minute logistics.

Jill: has a zine they made when their blog went down. Completely propaganda. Wanted to make a zine on work time w/work $$$.

Zine as annual report – anticipates making 1 per semester.  Since most folks are not solely zine librarians they play up their zine work in annual reports.

Alana: Sometimes  zines b/c they are “cute” and not technologically advanced get devalued. Craft vs. art.

Celina: Value judgement of zines. “weeding out bad zines”. Bad zines don’t exists. Values for collection dev. Only weeded out zines that were overproduced.

In the “Memorandum of Understanding” who owns the zines???

Barnard Fail: Jenna wanted to include collection dev. that included trans zines said women (cis & trans) and ended up questioning if that was the right language.


Final Schedule

Time/Location Classroom A Teen Meeting Room Large Print Room Apse Conf Room
60 people 20 20 16
Friday, July 27th
10-11am  X
11am-12pm  Zine Lib Day  Zine Talking  X
12-1 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1-2  X  X  Zinelibraries.info
2-3  X  X  Hit by a bus
3-4  X  X  Zine Librarians Identity
Saturday, July 28th
10-11am  Show & tell  X
11-12 Union catalog  X
12-1 Lunch Lunch Lunch  Lunch
1-2  union catalog timeline  X
2-3  zinewiki editing & free form discussion  X
3-4  world’s largest zine  X

Update on zinelibraries.info / also zine librarian identity

Zinelibraries.info discussion

MKE last year, session abt zine librarians’ documentation so that all info doesn’t live in the archives of the zinelibrarians’ listserv
At the end of the session, discussed reviving zinelibraries.info
Wordpress site — not currently pleased with theme or appearance
Maintainers have identified headings that need to exist, need for a new theme

It’s not really clear what the mission is for the site
What would help this session:
Clarify mission going forward
Divide up the work

Q: Should UnConference sites be separate from the site, or folded into it?

Agenda/What we want to accomplish:
Identifying audience & how it will be used
CMS – Are we talking about scrapping WordPress?

This session, talk in broad terms, additional session to discuss tech details

Zine librarians
Librarians & others generally curious about the intersection of zines & librarianship, zine collections
Librarians who work in cataloging, tech services (& other more conventional areas of librarianship)

How the site relates to the We Make Zines zine librarian group?
People who use the WMZ site tend not to be zine librarians

We would like to see it be a document repository
Documentation to help us not reinvent the wheel
Moving 5 yrs of different wikis into a single space
Member directory
[Identity/branding for zine librarians as a whole]
Programming ideas/documentation
Place where people can give themselves shout-outs, report on the cool stuff they’re doing — showcase or show and tell
Centralized repository or aggregator so we’re not just posting to disparate sites like FB

You have to opt-in to be on a listserv, but anyone can go to the website — listserv can be helpful for asking questions (though this happens on the Rad Ref website, too)
Value of the listserv is the delivery of content into your inbox
Keep the email list

Q: Any more input about the site?

Links to other resources – We don’t need to duplicate Jerianne’s Zine World site – directory of zine librarians

Work process this year
Collectively-shared website – maintainers were hesitant to change it on their own/independently
Not sure about next steps, after discovering flaws
We could leave it in WordPress, try to make it do what we want to do, and if it can’t then consider switching platforms
What if the work team got bigger? Shared responsibility?
Would help to parse out – someone would be responsible for look & feel, someone could be responsible for content, someone could be responsible for adding members & welcoming them

Delineating what we need volunteers for:
Figuring out WordPress theme
Banner art
Managing users
Having some instructional material about how to use WordPress
UnConference sites — Mediawiki install & use that in addition to the WordPress site?
Organizing the stuff that’s already on the site/or is related and exists elsewhere
Determining headers, architecture

Volunteers for categories:
Wordpress theme – Celina & Mackenzie* – Elvis & Milo should be included
Banner art – Elvis* & Milo
Managing users – Violet* & Jenna
How-to-use-the-site documentation – table this until site is done / Erica?
Incorporating old content – this can happen later
Architecture – Celina* & Jude & Erica

Honor is willing to give added assistance later
Jude will get programming content ready

Alycia, Kelly & Nicki should be in on all of the conversations happening in the groups

*will send the first email to get things rolling

Notes by Alana

xZINECOREx: Union Catalog update

Union Catalogue/xZineCorex
Update from last year: we’d started to define zinecore: Dublin Core for zines
Idea behind this is that we’ll have a metadata standard that we all accept, so that this basic set of fields will be consistent, regardless of our catalogues. AND THEN it will be the basis of our union catalogue (WorldCat for zines!!!)

ZineCore refresher:
Subject(s) / Genres
Content description/notes
Date of publication
Format / physical description
Identifiers (union ID#)
Relation (see also)
Coverage (place of publication
Rights (freedoms and restrictions)

QZAP has been using zinecore in their catalogue now: hasn’t changed things necessarily, but gives a standard to shoot for

What we need to do next:
We’ve been talking about this through 4 unconferences…what’s next? Things to bring back to our cataloguers. Interference Archives in NYC also interested in starting a catalogue: maybe two groups working on this will help move things along. They are building the history of the collection as they build the catalogue. Not quite the same goals, but adds complexity.

Goal: worldcat for zines! So we all know between ourselves, but also to help point researchers to other places.

Collective Access might be the tool we build this in. Cataloging tool built on a LAMP stack, based on Dublin Core, open source, free to use. Next step for QZAP is to build an install profile — from the time you add the software, you can choose that user profile and it will pull the (in this case, zinecore) fields for that profile. CA is geared for digital objects, which is great for QZAP, but also will allow folks to add cover scans, etc.

There are other products, but this allows you to import data from comma/tab delineated files, Excel spreadsheets. Question about LibraryThing– should be able to pull as a spreadsheet? Also: MARC records should also be able to be pulled in? Some concerns with MARC fields/subfields…You can have multiple instances of DC fields.
So, there may be some human element to pull out elements one way or the other — or a script that runs to do that. But, those are also mostly easily identifiable elements, just something to know we have to do. A lot of trial and error, but.

If we’re adding to a union catalogue, will there be duplicate entries, or a field for holdings?
Zinecore is defining the object — one of the additional pieces we’ll need for the union catalogue is a Holdings record.
So — we’d use the union catalogue to find the record, then add it to our own individual catalogues. But, we’ll also have a bunch of separate records for, say, Doris — how do we clear this up?

We have an identifier for the record, but maybe also some kind of title identifier (or authority file!) to see all the Dorises. (A “work” record in RDA/FRBR-speak)
But! We don’t have professionals doing this, necessarily….
So, we need a name authority file and title authority file. So: Cindy Crabb will always be Cindy Crabb and not Cindy Ovenrack. So, you can see the other names the person goes by, but you can also redirect someone to all the things that person has published.

So, we’re talking about two sides of the catalogue: the names part is not directly about the record’s metdata.

This takes everyone using the same rules — does this fit our community?
If we build the system, it’s already there…but someone has to do the work for the Cindy Crabb/Cindy Ovenrack. Is this gonna be so large that this is necessary? Is this something that has to be done going in?
Knowing that we’re going to do this down the line…is important to know, software-set-up wise…but no, we don’t necessarily have to do it now.
Could Zinewiki be our authority file? (Yeah — people like that.) But would that just be adding a lot more work, to add Zinewiki entries? Or….can the union catalogue that would then push data back out to Zinewiki?

Unique identifier for each zine — could it be a Uniform Resource Identifier that could be linked into the semantic web? (E.g. linked back to Zinewiki?)
So Doris #3 is a part of this uniquely identified DORIS.

Question about Type — a little confusion about what it means in DC. The field is there if you need it, you can leave it blank if you don’t use it.

Authority files: you can have multiples, as long as they communicate with each other. Which goes back to having a URI, so there’s a unique key to help connect them together.

Lunch: let tech people have their tech conversations…and then come back.
What did folks want to get out if it? A plan/timeline. A way for us to know that we’re cataloging things in a way that will be useful down the line. We don’t need to be anxious about this now, y’all!
What might help the tech discussion is: talking about the quirky little things we do in cataloging. (e.g. description of the cover, a la Papercut Zine Library.)
Questions too about editions, donor information…how does that stuff fit into Zinecore? Is it separate? Extended DC?

Notes by Kelly

International Zine Libraries Day

Attendance: Milo (facilitator), Kelly, Violet, Eric, Jenna (notes)

  • July 21st
  • http://zinelibraryday.wikispaces.com (should this get moved to the zinelibraries.info site?) and https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Zine-Library-Day/242929865735256
  • purpose is to promote zine libraries use and awareness
  • develop ALAish “toolkit”: zine library propaganda, web banner, press kit
  • try it out kind of event for libraries that don’t have a zine collection
  • at Iowa they made a pop-up library of zines people brought in
  • regional event, collaboration site, cross promotion
  • develop Zine Librarians identity
    • visual identity
    • community building
    • adding authority
    • what would a group look like besides the zine librarians list?
  • zine library users and supporters should bring donuts to their favorite zine librarian. n.b. determine ahead of time if the donuts should be vegan
  • do something like the international zine month activities list?

Can we add a zine libraries persona discussion to tomorrow’s schedule?
Maybe also something about accomplishing things we volunteer to do between zine librarians unconferences?

xZINECOREx timeline

Suggestion via UStream follower: design catalog for patrons, not for catalogers.

  • Front end and back end will be different, so perhaps this isn’t a concern
  • Multiple front ends could conceivably be available
  • Once the data is in place, there’s a lot we can do–table this part of the discussion for now?

Next steps / timeline

  • Apply for a Knight Foundation grant for development and infrastructure: DUE BY DUE DATE, JENNA & KELSEY and we hope others!
  • Develop QZAP as prototype: DUE JANUARY 1, ERIC & MILO. Lots of people willing to help with user testing.
  • Use Interference Archive catalog as prototype for sharing data
  • Research other grants: DUE ?
  • Plans for export import from CSV files, LibraryThing, MARC (from data dump), etc. (What are the others?) : Survey cataloging systems on Zine Librarians list DUE BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, HONOR & CREW
  • Born xZINECOREx cataloging guidelines? Other documentation, as needed.
  • Union catalog admin for the user side: VIOLET

Announcing PGH-ZLUC scholarship

Zine librarians are pooling their money to offer a scholarship to this summer’s Zine Librarians Unconference in Pittsburgh on July 28th & 20th. The scholarship is meant to help someone from an underrepresented group attend the unconference and currently stands at $150 $170 $190 $210.

Applicants should send a short summary of their interest and qualifications to zines@barnard.edu by July 1st. Notifications will be sent out by July 7th.

If you want to contribute to the scholarship fund, please write to the same address.


If you are interested in leading a one-hour workshop during the conference, please submit the following information by creating a page for your proposal on this wiki and linking to the proposal on this page by Friday, May 27th, 2012 (deadline okay?).

On your workshop page, please include:

  1. The title of your workshop
  2. Your name and a very brief biography of all workshop leaders (1-3 sentences each)
  3. A brief (100 word) summary of topics you would address
  4. Any tools, equipment or technology that would be required
  5. Add your proposal page to this list (You’ll need to be logged into the wiki to do so):
    1. Sample proposal from the 2009 ZL(u)C: Zine Anatomy


Guidelines for workshops: We are interested in hosting workshops that will be informational, how-to’s and describe a task, skill or scheme that another zine library would find useful. This could be hands-on, or a presentation of what your library has done well.
Note: This is a call only for workshops that require extensive pre-planning, are practical in nature, or require specific materials.

We will also have facilitated discussions at the conference, but those will be selected at the conference itself. List of potential discussion topics. Please add yours!


To register for the PGH ZL(u)C you will need to register for this wiki first.

After you have logged in to the wiki add your name, alphabetically if you please:

  • Elvis Bakaitis, Queens College student in Archives & Special Collections
  • Marie Elia, Archivist Time Capsule Project, Andy Warhol Museum Pittsburgh
  • Violet Fox, Zine Archive & Publishing Project, Seattle
  • Jenna Freedman, Zine Librarian and middle manager, Barnard Library
  • Eric Goldhagen, technology worker and zine librarian groupie, NYC
  • Rhonda Kauffman, adjunct cataloger, New York University.
  • Alana Kumbier, Research & Instruction Librarian, Wellesley College
  • Jill Luedke – Reference & Instruction Librarian/Art Subject Specialist, Temple University, Philadelphia.
  • Kelly McElroy, Undergraduate Services Librarian, University of Iowa
  • Milo Miller, Co-founder, Queer Zine Archive Project
  • Honor Moody, Cataloger, Schlesinger Library
  • Erica Saunders, Brooklyn College Library Zine Intern
  • Alycia Sellie, Zine, Media and Cultural Studies Librarian, Brooklyn College
  • Kalmia Strong, Graduate Fellow in Special Collections & Archives, University of Iowa Libraries
  • Jude Vachon, Librarian/Zine Librarian Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
  • Celina Williams, Zine Librarian and Graduate Research Assistant, VCU Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives
Virtual registration — if you’re interested in viewing sessions from afar, please put your name and your email address here. We’ll be in touch with more details soon.
1. Gina Solares, Catalog Librarian
2. Joshua Barton, zine guy, cataloger, etc., Michigan State University, bartonjp@msu.edu

Possible Discussions

Please include your name and a short description when proposing a discussion.

  • union catalog update
  • zinelibraries.info update/check in
  • microcosm update
  • zine libraries day
  • Hit By A Bus (Milo) – in many instances there is a single person who has initiated or organized a library’s zine collection.  What happens if that person gets hit by a bus?  How is institutional knowledge about the collection shared so that it can be maintained?
  • Zine-talking (Kelly) – Reader’s advisory fer zines
  • Zinewiki (Kelly) – if there are computers available, let’s chill out and make some updates
  • Show and tell (Jenna): forms, processes
  • contribute to world’s largest zine
  • any Carnegie PL service projects?