ZLuC 2018: call for host site proposals

The Zine Librarians UnConference has been held in Seattle, Portland, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Iowa City, Durham, Austin, Boston, Southern California and now … your town??

If you’re interested in hosting ZLuC 2018, throw your hat in the ring! Info about what would make a good ZLuC site can be found within the host site submission form. Submissions are due Friday December 1 2017.

map of the U.S. with past ZLuC sites marked

ZLuC 2017 POC travel grant

We’re collecting money for a POC travel grant for the 2017 Zine Librarians unConference (ZLuC), happening August 4-5 in Long Beach, California!

If you identify as black, indigenous, or a person of color and are interested in attending ZLuC 2017, please fill out this application form by Sunday April 30th. Registration is free for all attendees–this grant is designed to help with associated travel and/or childcare costs of attending.

If you’d like to donate to the fund, please send funds via PayPal to violetfox at gmail (or use the Paypal donate button on the sidebar). Thank you!

ZLuC 2017 dates announced

More details about ZLuC 2017 have been announced: the 2017 Zine Librarians unConference will be held August 4-5 at the Long Beach Public Library in Long Beach, California!

As always, registration for ZLuC is free for everyone. Please visit the wiki site for this year’s ZLuC for more information: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2017-lgb/ and make sure you’re on the Zine Librarians email list so you don’t miss any pre-conference conversations and announcements.

Information about the ZLuC 2017 travel grant for POC librarians will be forthcoming!

ZLUC 2016 in Boston

The Zine Librarians unConference (ZLuC) is coming up quickly! This year it’s taking place Friday July 29-Saturday July 30th at Simmons College in Boston. Registration is free, so if you’re near Boston and want to sign up for what has lovingly been described as “nerd summer camp,” [coughMilocough] please join us. Registration and a preliminary schedule can be found at http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2016-bos/

This is an unconference, so we’ll finalize the topics when we arrive Friday morning, but if you have ideas for what might be worthwhile topics to talk about, add them to the list here: http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/zluc-2016-bos/workshops/

If you need a login (or a reset password) to this website, just contact Violet (violetfox [at] gmail [dot] com) or Jenna (jfreedma [at] barnard [dot] edu).

ZLuC travel grant for POC librarians/archivists

For the fourth year, zine librarians, archivists, & their friends are subsidizing a librarian of color’s (including aspiring ones) participation in the 2016 Zine Librarians (un)Conference in Boston, Massachusetts on July 29th and 30th at Simmons College.

We recognize an underrepresentation of people of color (POC) in previous Zine Librarians (un)Conferences, and it is because we value the contributions, leadership, and presence of POCs at the conference that we offer this travel grant. Grant winners may spend the money however they see fit, e.g., airfare, childcare, food, etc. (Registration is free for everyone.) 

To apply for the travel fund, please fill out this form.

To donate to the travel fund, send money via PayPal to diannelaguerta at gmail dot com (or just click the Paypal donate button in the sidebar). Thank you for your support!

Research Guide Page for zinelibraries.info notes from ZLuC 2015


Kelly McElroy, Honor Moody, Dianne Laguerta, Jennifer LaSuprema and Jude Vachon at ZLuC 2015 bar time.

Questions we’d like to address on page:


  • What info can you get from zines? Why use zines in your research?
  • Challenges in researching zines? e.g. metadata
  • Resources for researching zines:
  1. zinewiki – can we reach out 1x/yr to ask people to update zinewiki entries?
  2. info
  3. zinelibrarians yahoo group
  4. Google zine libraries/archives map
  • Particular areas, examples of richness, that zines do well with e.g. health, queer zines, trans zines, punk music… – we can link here to lists we made/are going to make of zines in particular categories
  • ALTHOUGH zines are about absolutely anything/everything


We also thought it would be good to post a sample research guide on one subject e.g. bikes.


PS Can we have a Donate Zines page on zinelibraries.info?

Session 1a: Zine Union Catalog Update, ZLuC

In Milwaukee we decided we needed a metadata standard that is interchangeable between folks who work as barefoot librarians and academic and public libraries.

Last year (2014 in NC): we will have breakout groups. Since September we’ve had a core group (Jenna, Milo, Honor, Rhonda, Alyssa, Eric, Christina), and we’ve had teleconferences/work sessions every 2 weeks

Notes are all on etherpad: http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/zineunioncatalog

Current conversation: we’re ready to start building a union catalog and wondering what that means:

Soliciting funds for server space ($140 of $240 annual fee through in-house fundraising)

Taking xxZINECORExx and mapped it to Dublin Core terms. Currently lives at GitHub: https://github.com/MiloQZAP/xZINECOREx ,  https://github.com/MiloQZAP/xZINECOREx/blob/master/MAP/MAP_1.csv

Each of the fields has a scope note in the field.

Things that got codified during our work:

Genre terms in terms of Content and Form of material:

Form vs. Content:

Type, carrier type: print, audio, video, e-zine

Content: subject matter (e.g., cook zine, diy zine, do we want hierarchies?, fanzine, literary zine) –> we need to work on equivalencies and/or hierarchies… e.g., Parent zines and sub topic: mama zine, papa zine

Genre form: 24-hour zine, APA zines (Amateur press association)

We would like to have a preferred term for things that is local to an institution but refers to the preferred vocabulary term.

Pull from different vocabularies like local taxonomies

Anchor archive vocabulary is already accessible via linked open data (thanks to: ____ — please fill in the name?)

There was a need for scope notes to allow for inclusive catalog with different vocabularies so we added scope notes for terms for disambiguate

Difference institutions will share all their information — collection metadata that will be ingested into the union catalog. In local catalog, there may be more or less fields but can be individualized for a local library. In essence, every record will probably need to be touched at the local level.

Question: a lot of zine libraries haven’t cataloged all their zines. It’s a great resource but it would be great for crowd-sourcing. Yes… this is cooperative cataloging — you add titles and you can download your titles too.

small archives that don’t have professional archivists and this might help folks who don’t have staff to catalog — we could help with technical aspects or funding, even. Scope notes should help to make the ease of access without a lot of training. Should be able to prepopulate and make it easily ingestible.

Serials vs monographs — flexibility to use the metadata and tweak it to work in their own collection. Like use a serial record even if you only have one of the issues.

We don’t have a lot of required fields so if you have minimal data, you can still participate.

Provenance to the cataloging itself: We would have institutional/administrative metadata so we could tell who created the record.

Platform to use? We will probably start that this afternoon… might be one that already exists (Collective Access? or our own?) — need some tech consultations starting tomorrow too.

**Need linked data specialist, technical folks. We will share the link to the email listserv. http://lists.qzap.org/listinfo.cgi/zlunioncat-qzap.org

**Outreach would be super important — make a zine about it. Jude is moved by all this work by all this content and its creators. Resources: making the most of all of our resources and so are all of the people who work on them, makes it that much more powerful.

**Sequel to xxZINECORExx zine that Milo did a few years ago.

Allison at U. of Florida: published an article on cataloging zines in RDA: project of articulating why what we do as cataloging zines matter — if you already know the theory and need to share the greater work and empower people to use the great knowledge they have of their collections and how that enriches the greater knowledge of the collective collections of everyone.

** show locations of zines like worldcat but not evil.

**Readerware (?) separate databases for books and periodicals and zines are subhierarchy of periodical. 2009 link to what is a zine and what is not a zine. Jenna to post on twitter now. Zine vs. chapbook? Has an ISSN? Not a zine. http://zinelibraries.info/2009/03/18/not-a-zine/

What do we consider a zine? Fanzines? (Riverside that focus on scifi zines).

NEXT STEPS: we might be at the point for needing a tech consultant to guide group toward grants to apply for.

human resource: coding/paying for work; how do we communicate to let everyone work outside of silos.

Jude: wants to work on zine vol. 2 whenever that happens/matters

***How do we keep updated? we don’t post much on the listserv, should we? Or should we post a summary of zineunioncatalog meetings to the zinelibaries.info and provide a link to the listserv as well… as long as we include pictures of cats.




Application due May 11, 2015!!

For the fourth consecutive year, zine librarians & their friends are subsidizing a librarian of color’s participation in the Zine Librarians Unconference. Here is the application form.

We recognize an underrepresentation of people of color (POC) in previous (un)Conferences, and it is because we value the contributions, leadership and presence of POCs at the conference that we offer this travel grant. Grant winners may spend the money however they see fit, e.g., airfare, childcare, food, etc. We have about $300 total to award.

Your answers to these questions will help volunteers from library and zine communities award scholarships to zine librarians & archivists (including aspiring ones) to attend the Zine Librarians (un)Conference 2015 in Austin, Texas on June 5th & 6th at the Perry-Casteñeda Library at 21st & Speedway on the University of Texas‘s main campus. It is free to attend.

Help an unemployed zine librarian (or two) get to the zine librarians unconference

This year two of our regular ZLUC participants won’t be able to make it to the conference in Austin because their former employers are at least a little bit douchey. Let’s see if we can help ’em out! Paypal your donation to jennafree@bigfoot.com, Venmo it to leslzine, or mail a check to Jenna Freedman | 203 Rivington St. #3C | NYC, NY 10002.

A straw that led to the one of the zine librarians quitting her job: http://judevachon.tumblr.com/post/117781855023/stop

The other one lost her job (after ten years pre- and post-MLS) when her position was deemed nonessential–“But can you help us with department planning before you go?” Like the other out-of-work librarian, she’d been a creative and proactive employee, founding the zine library, for example.

Donations so far: $360 + dorm room

$50 from a research & instruction librarian in New York
$30 from a zine archivist in Texas
$50 from a zine librarian in New York
$50 from a librarian in North Carolina
$40 from a librarian in Illinois
$40 from two wannabe zine librarians in Arkansas
$50 from a zine librarian in New York’s bonus mother
dorm room fee from an anonymous source
$50 from a zine librarian in Massachusetts

Call for potential hosts for ZLuC 2015

Now calling for submissions for potential host locations for the 2015 Zine Librarians (Un)Conference, aka ZL(u)C. ZL(u)C is an inspirational and super fun gathering of people who care deeply about zines, their preservation, and their ability to change lives for the better. Past unconferences have been held in Seattle, Portland, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Iowa City, Durham, and now … your town??

If you’re interested in hosting the 2015 edition of zine librarian “nerd summer camp”, please fill out the form here: http://goo.gl/forms/4XUShBBDJN. The questions on the form should give you a good sense of what we’re looking for in a host location.

The deadline this year is early, December 31 2014, so that we can announce the location and dates by the end of January. Please email (violetfox at the gmails) with questions about the selection process or the unconference itself, we’ll be happy to discuss.

Thanks! –this year’s ZL(u)C selection committee: Violet Fox, Kelly Wooten, Celina Williams, and Joshua Barton

This is where the magic has happened!

Past locations of the Zine Librarians UnConference

ZLUC Travel Grant 2014

For the third consecutive year, zine librarians & their friends are raising money to subsidize a librarian of color’s participation in the Zine Librarians Unconference. Here is the application form. Applications due June 6, 2014.


This year’s conference will be held at Duke University’s Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History & Culture July 18-20.

So far librarians have contributed $215 and $217.25 was raised at the NYC Feminist Zine Fest on March 1st for a total of $487.25. The Sallie Bingham Center will cover the winner’s single dorm room, as well.

Contribute via PayPal to jennafree@bigfoot.cxx. For other options and more info, email leslzine@gmail.cxx. (Wherein xx = om)