This question comes up routinely on the ZineLibrarians list, and yet I’ve never seen a nice list.
If others will provide the titles (and annotations would be nice, too!) , I’ll be responsible for posting them here. Suggest something in the comments or email them to me.
I don’t work with pre-college teens and so don’t have a good sense of what is appropriate/will fly, but I’m suggesting a few zines anyway, just to get the list started.
- 12 items or less : a grocery shopping zine edited by A.J. Michel
- Adorn, by Bree Friend. The last issue I’ve seen is from 2006, and Bree is 22 and separated or divorced. Teens like to read about folks slightly older than themselves, right? Bree’s zines are very visual, and I gotta say cute. heartlikefoil@ hotmail
- After School Special by Nia King
- Art Freak by Carol Parks
- Bad Grades by Carla Marie Yacenda
- Beards? Beards!: and other matters pertaining to facial hair by Ingrid
- Best Zine Ever edited by Greg Means. Zine reviews, many written by librarians.
- Call & response by Gianni Simone
- Caboose, #4 Ridiculous Issue by Liz Mason
- Caesar by Jeff Sharp
- Clutch by Clutch McBastard. Daily minicomic by a librarian. I don’t recall the language getting much worse than the author’s nom de plume.
- Controller by Robin Enrico
- Danger! Hole, by high school student Lucy in the Sky. Bravely feminist, riot grrrl oriented zine, with different themes each issue. grrrlriots8me @ hotmail
- Diary of a mosquito abatement man by John Porcellino.
- Do you work here? by Nathalie Wilson.
- Don’t go where I can’t follow by Anders Nilsen with Cheryl Weaver. (Actually a book we have as a zine)
- Doris 15: antidepression guide by Cindy Crabb.
- Dropping out (for students), by Cavegirl is available for download from Crimethinc, and it’s just what it sounds like. It discusses dropping out of high school and how to get by. It’s about one person who couldn’t tolerate school, but it’s not especially disrespectful.
- The Dvorak zine : changing the world one keyboard at a time by Alec Longstreth
- The East Village Inky by Ayun Halliday. Handwritten and illustrated mamazine by a Brooklyn mom with two young kids and a Tony award winning spouse.
- Empower : a young mama’s guide to taking control, by Allison Crews. This is the kind of stuff that is actually useful to a pregnant or parenting teen, because the people that wrote the articles have been there. allison @ girlmom .com (not sure if the link is still good. The copyright statement encourages copying and distribution, so write me if you want a copy.
- Extranjero, # 5 : tales of life and travel by a big, dumb Yank & his Spanish wife by Kris and Lola.
- The Fall by Stephanie Wu
- Figure 8, by Krissy Durden. One of the best zines out there on fat acceptance and debunking bullshit about health risks and other issues. ponyboypress @ yahoo
- First semester : chronicles of the classroom by Jeff Sharp
- Flummery by Jeff Sharp
- The Future Generation by China Martens. Anti-authoritarian parenting zine.
- Girls are not chicks coloring book, and anything else by Jacinta Bunnell. These are great feminist, genderfucking zines and coloring books (that don’t use naughty words like genderfucking).
- Glossolalia, by Sarah Contrary. Sarah is a mad bike enthusiast from PDX who does all these macho solo bike trips around the US and Europe, which is very inspirational. She’s also an excellent writer and artist, in her 20s. She writes about feminism and sex discrimination in a way that I hope teens will take to. enormajean @ hotmail
- Gschwandtner, Design by A. Lucille Shanik
- Guardians of the Kingdom by Tom Gauld
- Hello, my name is : a ‘zine about how people got their names by Cristina Montejo
- Here it is by Erin Tobey
- Hey 4-Eyes edited by Robyn Chapman
- Hunter & painter by Tom Gauld
- In a Lonely place by Jeff Sharp
- In which I think about drowning by Josie Whitmore
- Infandum, #2 by Molly Lawless
- Invincible Summer by Nicole Georges. Minicomics by queer, vegan, zine workshop leader, band member, animal lover, etc.
- King-cat Comics by John Porcellino
- Knit Knit edited by Luren Jenison, Concept by Sabrina
- Kyle Bravo’s punk rock guide to saving money, fighting capitalism, & having fun while you’re at it by Kyle Bravo
- La Primavera by Alexis Frederick-Frost. Actually a graphic novel, rather than a zine?
- Ladyfriend : for ladies and all their friends, by Christa. Each issue has a different theme. Check the website and decide for yourself how teen friendly you think they’ll be.
- A late freeze by Danica Novgorodoff (an awesome comic but has a drawing of a bear giving birth — just FYI in case your community says “NO!” to bear genitalia)
- Laundry basket, April 2002 : tales of washday woe : come clean with us and let us dye for you.
- Long tail kitty : outer space by Lark Pien.
- Lower East Side librarian winter solstice shout out by Jenna Freedman. Personal zine by NYC librarian. Book and zine reviews, journal entries essays about jobs, activism, and in recent issues, married life.
- Leeking Ink by Davida Gypsy Breier. Personal zine by now 30something zine mainstay.
- List, by Ramsey Beyer. Her zines are comprised of her own lists, as well as those contributed by others or that she just finds in the street. Ramsey is a straightedge vegan punk art student, who doesn’t have a potty mouth. The illustrations are great and the list style makes it super accessible. ramseybeyer @ gmail
- Make something an anthology of Portland zinesters edited by Greig Means.
- Maria of Montmartre by Alexis Frederick-Frost.
- The monkey & the crab by Sara Edward-Corbett and Shawn Cheng
- The most romantic wedding in human history by Christoph Meyer
- My brain hurts by Liz Baillie
- On being jealous of invertabrates, volumes 1 and 3 by Jess S. One cel minicomics. Adorable.
- On subbing : the first four years by Dave. About being a substitute teacher’s assistant working with special needs kids. PDX punk rock vegan straightedge.
- Ouija interviews by Sarah Becan (very dark but not worse than a lot of YA fiction)
- Out of water / by Matthew Bernier
- Peko peko, #1, winter 2001 : a zine about food
- Personal charm : a collection of comics by zine queen Missy Kulik ; edited by Jordan Weeks
- Phase 7 by Alec Longstreth
- Platform : notes from the underground by Elizabeth Genco
- Potluck, April 2004 : a cooking compilation A.J. Michel
- Positive consumption Jenny Ferretti
- Regina Rich middle school detective, issue #1 : the missing money!
- Scars Alex Longstreth
- Scout, #6 : food and cooking issue
- Scratch, queer youth peer education. Issues 4 and 5 available for download via QZAP
- Scrappy, #1 : a crafty zine for scrappy people / Niku
- Secret mystery love shoes, #3 Androo Robinson and Maria Goodman
- Shut eye by Sarah Becan, based on a story by David Becan
- Sidewalk bump 1 and 2 ed by Dan Moynihan
- Simple Routines by JP Coovert
- Skate tough you little girls by Celia C. Perez is a fanzine about women’s skateboarding. Should be accessible to all teen readers. perezeeb @ yahoo
- Slave to the needles
- Squarecat comics, vol. 1 / by Jennifer Omand.
- Stolen sharpie revolution : a diy zine resource ed Alex Wrekk. Pretty much the go to guide for zine making and zine community and resources info.
- A strange day Damon Hurd & Tatiana Gill.
- Sugar Needle by Corina Fastwolf and Icona Phlox. An adorable hand colored in short fanzine about candy. Distro’d by Microcosm.
- Support. “This is a zine about supporting people who have been sexually abused”–Intro. Edited by Cindy of Doris zine fame.
- Sweet treats, #1, September, 2004 : a collection of vegan desserts
- Time enough at last : a reading log, by A.J. Michel. Book recommendations from prolific zine publisher and MLS holder.
- The true heart Hilary Florido.
- True swamp : underwoods and overtime [written and drawn by Jon Lewis]
- Turtle, keep it steady by Joseph Lambert
- The waiting sun : a happy town tale words and pictures by Justin Madson
- Walk to work by Jason Turner
- What did you buy today?? : daily drawings of purchases, May 2006 Kate Bingaman
- Wive’s Tales, by Britton. Women’s health, reproduction, STDs, all that good stuff (including some things that might get you in trouble but really really should be available to young women). This zine has been widely reproduced, so shouldn’t be too hard to find.
- Xerography Debt ed by Davida Gypsy Breier. Zine review zine.
- Zine World edited by Jerianne. Zine review zine with extra zine scene content.
That’s all I’ve got for now, but will resume going through the Barnard catalog when I can keep my eyes open. posted by Jenna 2/14/2008
Integrated Milo and Miriam’s suggestions 2/15/2008.
We have a zine in our archive ( Skratch that was created by queer youth about health issues. It includes STI and HIV information, and also other health issues.
Most of the rest of our collection is OK for some, but not others.
On a different note, I’ve been reading a ton of YA fiction, most of it feminist, punk, queer, etc., and I’d be glad to share titles if people are interested.
You would probably have to go through these yourself to make sure there is nothing that doesn’t meet your collection development criteria (a single panel can make something suddenly “adult” – it really depends on how inclined your community is to challenge materials) but here is a list of zines and mini-comics from our collection that I’d comfortably give to (some) teen readers:
Art Freak by Carol Parks
After School Special by Nia King
Bad Grades by Carla Marie Yacenda
Beards? Beards!: and other matters pertaining to facial hair by Ingrid
Best Zine Ever edited by Greg Means
Call & response by Gianni Simone
Caboose, #4 Ridiculous Issue by Liz Mason
Clutch by Clutch McBastard
Invincible Summer by Nicole Georges
Caesar by Jeff Sharp
Controller by Robin Enrico
The Dvorak zine : changing the world one keyboard at a time by Alec Longstreth
Do you work here? by Nathalie Wilson.
Don’t go where I can’t follow by Anders Nilsen with Cheryl Weaver.(Actually a book we have as a zine)
Doris 15: antidepression guide by Cindy Crabb.
Diary of a mosquito abatement man by John Porcellino.
King-cat Comics by John Porcellino
The East Village Inky by Ayun Halliday
Extranjero, # 5 : tales of life and travel by a big, dumb Yank & his Spanish wife by Kris and Lola.
The Future Generation by China Martens
First semester : chronicles of the classroom / by Jeff Sharp
Flummery by Jeff Sharp
Maria of Montmartre by Alexis Frederick-Frost.
La Primavera by Alexis Frederick-Frost
The Fall by Stephanie Wu
Guardians of the Kingdom by Tom Gauld
Hey 4-Eyes edited by Robyn Chapman
Here it is by Erin Tobey
Hello, my name is : a ‘zine about how people got their names by Cristina Montejo.
Hunter & painter by Tom Gauld.
In a Lonely place by Jeff Sharp
Infandum, #2 by Molly Lawless
In which I think about drowning by Josie Whitmore
Knit Knit edited by Luren Jenison, Concept by Sabrina Gschwandtner, Design by A. Lucille Shanik.
Kyle Bravo’s punk rock guide to saving money, fighting capitalism, & having fun while you’re at it by Kyle Bravo
Leeking Ink by Davida Gypsy Breier
Xerography Debt ed by Davida Gypsy Breier
Zine World
Laundry basket, April 2002 : tales of washday woe : come clean with us and let us dye for you.
A late freeze by Danica Novgorodoff (an awesome comic but has a drawing of a bear giving birth – just FYI in case your community says “NO!” to bear genitalia)
Long tail kitty : outer space / by Lark Pien.
True swamp : underwoods and overtime / [written and drawn by Jon Lewis].
Lower East Side librarian winter solstice shout out by Jenna Freedman
The most romantic wedding in human history by Christoph Meyer
My brain hurts by Liz Baillie.
Make something an anthology of Portland zinesters / edited by Greig Means.
The monkey & the crab by Sara Edward-Corbett and Shawn Cheng
On subbing : the first four years / by Dave.
On being jealous of invertabrates, volumes 1 and 3 by Jess S.
Out of water / by Matthew Bernier.
Ouija interviews by Sarah Becan. (very dark but not worse than a lot of YA fiction)
Potluck, April 2004 : a cooking compilation / A.J. Michel.
Peko peko, #1, winter 2001 : a zine about food.
Platform : notes from the underground by Elizabeth Genco
Phase 7 by Alec Longstreth.
Positive consumption / Jenny Ferretti.
Personal charm : a collection of comics / by zine queen Missy Kulik ; edited by Jordan Weeks.
Regina Rich middle school detective, issue #1 : the missing money!
Slave to the needles
Secret mystery love shoes, #3 / Androo Robinson and Maria Goodman.
Sugar needle #22 [2003] : candy expo [2002] review.
Sidewalk bump 1 and 2 ed by Dan Moynihan
Sweet treats, #1, September, 2004 : a collection of vegan desserts.
Scout, #6 : food and cooking issue.
Scrappy, #1 : a crafty zine for scrappy people / Niku.
Scars / Alex Longstreth.
Shut eye by Sarah Becan, based on a story by David Becan.
Support. “This is a zine about supporting people who have been sexually abused”–Intro.
Simple Routines by JP Coovert
A strange day / Damon Hurd & Tatiana Gill.
Squarecat comics, vol. 1 / by Jennifer Omand.
Time enough at last : a reading log, by A.J. Michel
The true heart / Hilary Florido.
12 items or less : a grocery shopping zine.
Turtle, keep it steady by Joseph Lambert
Stolen sharpie revolution : a diy zine resource ed Alex Wrekk
What did you buy today?? : daily drawings of purchases, May 2006 / Kate Bingaman.
The waiting sun : a happy town tale / words and pictures by Justin Madson.
Walk to work [August 2006] / by Jason Turner.
Wanna borrow any of these before buying them? Do an Interlibrary Loan! Some are outta print but you can keep an eye on the Zine Librarians Yahoo Group for offers of duplicates.
Good luck and again, check them yourself so I don’t get you in trouble!!! 🙂
Thank you all for your thoughtful suggestions! Now my work has truly begun. 😉
These suggestions are super helpful- more zine lists, please! I’ll try to come up with one soon…
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