Zine Union Catalog Call, Nov. 22, 2014

Zine Union Catalog call
November 22, 2014, 2pm EST

Present: Milo, Jenna, Honor, Elissah, Christina, Amanda, Eric, Rhonda
Absent: Lily
Notetaker: Rhonda

Christina: synopsis of catalog models.
• Works at Columbia
• Add some notes if you want, it’s just what I’m working with
• RDF: moving on with it?
• Create and support URIs so we can create our own
• Interfaces – prob not change that much on the front-end, but we need to figure out what to do on the back end
• Transform records to whatever xZinecorex schema to be
• Xslt
• Service scripts so that when we pull out source data it will automatically get translated
• Need input from community about elements and which ones
• Need a review period
• Editing period for attribute names, URIs, with date extensions as needed, rather than Christina coming in and writing it.
• SQL-based
• Radis (?) as a data store (fact check)
• Hope: zine catalogers to go in and edit data
• Homegrown hydra heads at Columbia, but don’t know much. Collective Access?
• What level to catalog
• Indexing cataloging interface: Solr, Blacklight, but up to other suggestions
• Mapping at Solr index level and creating an interface with them? Want to offer records back. Need Eric’s expertise
• Interface for md editing, same issue
• Auto-suggest – could be nice if we create our own form/genre term, have file where it is automatically queried from interface
• Microdata—getting stuff out to search engines

Milo: question: would 1 take more dev time than the other? Defer to other more seasoned folks
• Decide on schema elements now
• [my connexion was bad here, so I may have missed something]
• Let’s ask Amanda!
• Christina; updates won’t be automatic, propagate it through the system until we can have system where they can load it. We would love to be able for folks to add changes.
• Yahoo group listserv: should have specific listervs for schema/zine cat, etc., someone to act as shepherd to review at next public meeting to report back to the group. There would be a lot of switching back and forth b/w subject term. – need to have a place to discuss
• Milo: Wikipedia talk function? Yes, good example
• JF: Decide if we suggest that all zine libraries adopt one thesaurus. Do we want to do this?
• Christina: if facets will work, we need everyone to agree. At first, you can use whatever subj auth you want, and then during ingest, we will assign term= a lot of magical mapping. How? Lcsh in fast, add fast records, there are a lot of mapping tools you can use that work pretty well, only facet in our discovery layer using fast, but that means that they must use a known vocab
• Text string mapping for local subj, but that has lower accuracy
• JF Add to survey – anchor, lcsh, local
• Eric: independent of larger stuff, worry about what we’re indexing. No matter what decisions we make, they’re a lot of decisions that need to be made afterward
• Christina: not a game changer, yes.
• Eric: models distinct of what underlying tech is going to be – then what the tech is, what interchange will be. Q’s for librarians of the group, what should be the data structure for the catalog.
• JF: Challenges of Ava Gardner model: [my connection starts getting bad here]: Christina: identifiers need to be figured out, whether or not we are linking multiple authorities or local authorities
• Christina: large community of linked data folks that will win grants, etc.
• Eric: distributed authority, distrib storage of centralized [something?].
• [….connection problem]
• bibframe is out of the scope of this, but it could be interesting to see what has worked and failed so far. Dissertations – python and other jargon
• Christina: what I’d like to see come out: use zine list serv (?) to make decisions to move on: schema, data store, interface.
• JF: should we pose this to the group if they want to hear all this stuff or if it’s just noise, or keep it small.
• Action item: to create a list serv: @QZAP
• Amanda: deadline to figure out which technology to follow. By the end of the year?
• JF: want to get survey out and back before we have a tech deadline, but not sure if which model we choose will be affected by questionnaires, but endo f year might be a good reality
• —shitty connection—-
• Elissah: Dec 31, 2014 11:59pm, suggested time
• We want Ava Gardner Model
• Milo: 20, 40, 80
• Christina: Linode is good, CU will not host. Be careful of what agreements, limits we agree on.
• JF: long-term, might do something short-term, and then we get a million dollars…Christina: we should just use Linode. Eric: find somewhere cheap to host. Not openflows to donate, but giving everyone access would be organizationally difficult, security issues. JF: budget: $10 vs $80. Eric: Do cheapest plan as possible. JF: willing to personally give $100. Christina: Kickstarter campaign? Eric: Roll yr own donation thing, not amazon (who owns kickstarter… who knew?)
• —shitty connection—f this, man!!
• In-person work session: Chicago
• Elissah: taking a break this year, but maybe she should go somewhere
• Honor’s innernets totally broke. Are we recording?
• JF: Do we need to just get surveys out and set another meeting time. Start estimating workflows. Need to figure out who as well as how much. Christina: if we got a grant, would that affect when you start a phd program? Christina: I would like to set some time aside to start data munching. I have datasets and need to schedule time, need a workout partner to keep in check. Bad about falling into rabbit holes. JF and Rhonda: help with it. JF wants Christina to get paid too, but Christina says wait to see if other folks have mad skills too. JF making sure she’s not begging on the street
• Linode– Was the name of the hosting folks (Christina) – what control over the virtual machine do they give you. Shared hosting (not sure about private hosting). For Milo, we have virtual server that we have some control over. Not sure about enterprise-level control, though. Good feedback and supportive of developers. Eric: has it good with one host, but expensive (post-funding possibility); has some names of virtual servers we could have total control over, but let’s compare Linode to their option, go based on price → action item: Who is going to do that?
• NEXT STPES: Same time every 2 weeks to discuss what’s going on, and can be a place to make decisions. Not a working day. Milo: but would like a working day to take apart xzinecorex and put it back together. Christina: use time on call to get dirty on schema.
• JF: general hate of the goog. http://zinelibraries.info/wiki/union-catalog-work-space/ also our zl work space.
• Eric: likes etherpad, ethercalc. spreadsheets can live at https://calc.mayfirst.org/
• IRC?
• Bit bucket – Christina give her login
• JF: one we just started using at barnard https://asana.com/ jira.
• Redmine, Track (confusing), Mantis (ancient)→ let’s try redmine to start. Easy to install.
• Would redmine take the place of a listserv? Naw. Keep the usual email lists going to minimize tech anxiety
• Linode: do we want to add it to Milo’s account: how to fund it. 1 year at $20/month = $240. Use paypal to get $ into an account, would like to have someone who has experience with linode to get it set up. Give $ to Milo, JF to ask the zinelibrarians list.
• Meet again in 3 weeks and talk and work or both = Dec 13. At that point, let’s do every other week, and accept that not everyone will be free every time.


Jenna jumping in to take notes for Rhonda

alternative from Eric’s conference:

  • smash the database model
  • GitHub
  • BIBFRAME: Jeremy Nelson, Colorado College

create a new list? survey zine librarians to see (everyone invited?)

Get surveys out

Ava Gardner wins!

Linode (?) for hosting $10-80/month, webfaction? tag (when we have funding)

  • we want to have root
  • compare linode and webfaction (virtual server), choose based on price
  • raise money on zine librarians list

ALA Midwinter: talk to the zine pavilion people about quimby’s event


  • Rhonda can help wrangle
  • 12/13 Saturday at 2pm ET
  • need to codify zinecore

BitBucket, Assemble SVN, Jira, Trello, Redmine, Track, Mantis


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