Attendance: Milo (facilitator), Kelly, Violet, Eric, Jenna (notes)
- July 21st
- (should this get moved to the site?) and
- purpose is to promote zine libraries use and awareness
- develop ALAish “toolkit”: zine library propaganda, web banner, press kit
- try it out kind of event for libraries that don’t have a zine collection
- at Iowa they made a pop-up library of zines people brought in
- regional event, collaboration site, cross promotion
- develop Zine Librarians identity
- visual identity
- community building
- adding authority
- what would a group look like besides the zine librarians list?
- zine library users and supporters should bring donuts to their favorite zine librarian. n.b. determine ahead of time if the donuts should be vegan
- do something like the international zine month activities list?
Can we add a zine libraries persona discussion to tomorrow’s schedule?
Maybe also something about accomplishing things we volunteer to do between zine librarians unconferences?