Consent Zines

Here’s a selective, annotated list, alphabetically by author:

  1. Break the Silence Northwest

Consent is My Operating System

This zine features sample conversations to help people learn how to ask for and get consent. Free for download at

  1. Crabb, Cindy Ed.

Learning Good Consent

This is an edited and updated version of the Learning Good Consent zine. Among other topics, it has articles on consent for queer people, an outline for a consent workshop, and a resource list. Held at Brooklyn College, Barnard, Sarah Lawrence, Indiana University, West Bend Community Memorial Library, Schlesinger Library at Harvard, Plymouth Regional High School Zine Library, Rainbow Resource Center Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh,  Sallie Bingham Center at Duke.

  1. Crabb, Cindy Ed.


This zine contains helpful information for victims of sexual abuse and their allies on topics from active listening to safe sex. Held at Bowling Green University, Swarthmore College, Michigan State University Libraries, New York University, Brooklyn College, Barnard Library, FAQ Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, University of Maryland Women’s Center,  Sallie Bingham Center at Duke.

  1. Crabb, Cindy Ed.

See No Speak No Hear No: Articles and Questions about Sexual Assault

 Various pieces from survivors’ and accused peoples’ perspectives. Held at Barnard Library, Indiana University Libraries, Multnomah County Library, University of Maryland Women’s Center, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

  1. Jamie

Thoughts About Community Support Around Intimate Violence

This is a guide for learning how communities can support both perpetrators and survivors to work through instances of sexual assault. Held at Wisconsin Historical Society, Multnomah County Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, University of Maryland Women’s Center, National Library of Scotland.

  1. Molasses

My Feminist Manifesta: A Call-Out to Men

“I don’t want to see my friends raped and murdered, sexually assaulted and sexually harassed, afraid to travel and scared to walk home alone at night. I want to see change. Radical change. I want to see it in my lifetime, however long or short it may be. I hope this zine is a start…” Held at National Library of Australia,

  1. Neckmonster, Cheyenne

Ask First

“this zine is a guide to assisting others with their issues, and confronting our own. Hopefully you can take the information in here and use it as inspiration to work towards the liberation of all people – abused or not.” Held at Gustavus Adolphus College, Cowley Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

8, 9, 10. Thunder Collective

What Do We Do When? A Zine About Community Response to Sexual Assault #s 1, 2 and 3

These zines, which are collections of stories, articles, interviews and other types of writing, were designed to be companions to workshops presented by Australian Thunder Collective as a resource for people thinking about how assault affects communities and thinking about how to respond. Held at Barnard College, National Library of Australia, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

+++ Note on holdings: I searched WorldCat and LibraryThing. Let me know in the comments if you have these items and weren’t listed as such.

One thought on “Consent Zines

  1. Hi, thanks for making this list! I also made a zine about consent. It’s called Choose Your Own Consensual Adventure. I wanted to let you know about it in case you think it belongs on this list. Have a good day!

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