New zine library at University of North Texas

fun, brightly colored graphic with words reading Artist Books to ZinesHere’s an interesting event taking place on Saturday March 23rd at the University of North Texas (near Dallas/Fort Worth):

From Artists’ Books to Zines is a new initiative from UNT Special Collections in conjunction with our Biennial Artists’ Book Competition to provide students and other attendees interested in the book arts field an opportunity to connect with other artists and creators working in the medium, foster engaging scholarship and discussion related to the field, explore and promote the reemergence of zines and their connections to the book arts field, and to honor and celebrate the participants and winners of the 2023-2024 Artists’ Book Competition cycle.

During From Artists’ Books to Zines, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to curated panels related to the book arts featuring UNT and TWU faculty, community organizers, and artists, hear a keynote presentation with recognized book artist Candace Hicks, view a pop-up exhibition of 2023-2024 Artists’ Book Competition entries, take part in a collaborative zine workshop, attend the official opening of UNT Special Collection’s new browsable zine library, and attend the reception for the Artists’ Book Competition where winners and honorable mentions will be recognized and announced. The symposium will be free to attend and food and refreshments will be provided throughout the day, but registration will be required due to space constraints.

ZLuC 2024: get excited!!

Planning for this year’s Zine Librarians unConference is heating up! ZLuC 2024 will be held on the campus of New York University in Manhattan on Saturday August 3rd and Sunday August 4th. There will also be optional library tours on the afternoon of Sunday August 4th.

There’s now a call for both remote and in-person presentation proposals. Consider sharing your passion and knowledge about zine librarianship at ZLuC 2024.

You can find all the information about the event as it is announced at the wiki for ZLuC 2024. Hope to see you there!

hand drawn flyer with a big apple and skyline of Manhattan and text reading "Zine Librarians unConference 2024, August 3-4 at NYU."

New traveling zine library based in Los Angeles

Always exciting to see a new zine collection! Zine librarian Alice is starting the Autonomous Zine Library, a mobile zine library that is autonomous of any parent organization. Patrons can receive a library card, check out zines, and return zines by snail mail or by dropping them off at select local businesses.

Zines will be collected by donation, highlighting these topics:

  • Los Angeles
  • Politics
  • History
  • Mental health
  • Music
  • Punk & subculture
  • Arts & crafts
  • Nature & environmental justice

If you’re in the area, be sure to keep an eye on the website for future events!

Disabled Community Zine created by zine librarian

Very cool to see this Westfield News article about the work zine librarian Anna Boutin-Cooper is doing to host zine workshops relating to disabled community members in Westfield, Massachusetts. The article, Westfield State librarian’s zine workshops focus on disability community by Mike Lydick, describes the $10,000 award she received from the Radical Librarian Institute (part of the California Rare Book School at UCLA) to fund the workshops and a $40 gift card for zine creators contributing to the Disabled Community Zine.

New circulating zine collection at Kansas City Public Library

A blog post titled Representing More Voices and Connecting Patrons With a Second Zine Collection (Coming Soon) shares info about zines at the Kansas City Public Library. While they currently have a non-circulating collection in the Missouri Valley Special Collections which were collected by donations, the new circulating collection will be purchased from the creator. Anyone in the KCPL area can suggest a purchase just as they would for books by local authors.


Zine kits at Oregon State University

screenshot of the toolkit website featuring a photo of seven zines

Oregon State University has circulating Zine Kits which contain the following supplies:

  • Miscellaneous zines to read, not cut up! (Located in plastic bag)
  • Swivel stapler
  • Xacto knife
  • 8×11 cutting mat
  • Bone folder
  • Glue sticks
  • Sharpies
  • Inkpads
  • Bookbinding kit – needle, thread, thumbtack, small clip, brass fastener
  • Old magazines
  • Clipart
  • Folders
  • Paper of various texture and size

Seems like a great way to inspire patrons to create their own zines!

“Cooperative and creative networking” through zine librarianship

From zine scholar Kiyoshi Murakami in Japan comes a series of posts titled “Zines, Archiving, and Activism—the Horizons Opened up by Their Interlocking Developments” published in the webzine AMeeT (Art Meets Technology). Part 4 of 4, “Grounds and Structures That Librarians and Archivists Have Worked Together to Build,” describes the unique aspects of the Zine Librarians unConference (ZLuC), including the work done to support the BIPOC Travel Grant and the Organizer Toolkit. She goes on to discuss the Zine Librarians Code of Ethics and its creation and promotion. Kiyoshi then describes the International Zine Librarians Unconference in 2020, when people from around the world came together to share their zine libraries and scholarship. Very exciting to see our “autonomous activities” described as “cooperative and creative networking”!!!

Be sure to check out part 1 ( about the tension of DIY publications being collected and processed by institutions), part 2 and part 3 (both about London’s 56a Infoshop) of the series. Thank you to Kiyoshi for beautifully encapsulating the joyous and extraordinary work that’s being done in zine archives & libraries around the world!

If you don’t read Japanese, Kiyoshi suggests using DeepL Translator for a translation.

screenshot of the title of the article in Japanese text along with the logo for the Zine Librarians unConference in 2020

Partnership between Denver Zine Library and Denver Public Library

Appreciated this fascinating interview with Denver Zine Library co-founder Kelly Costello and Denver Public Library Neighborhood Services Director Annie Kemmerling. In the post “Lessons in Co-Locating: A Q&A with the Denver Public Library and Denver Zine Library” on the American Alliance of Museums blog, Adam Rozan talks about the unique relationship between DZL & DPL, which provides space for both organizations to thrive.

screenshot of the blog post titled Q&A with the Denver Public Library and Denver Zine Library, featuring a photo of multiple shelves full of boxes of zines

Zine Outreach Project at Río Hondo College

I was excited to read about the Zine Outreach Project at Río Hondo College in Whittier, California. Librarian Claudia Rivas attended the Radical Librarianship Institute at UCLA California Rare Book School and was awarded $10,000 to fund a zine fest and zine workshops. Part of the funding includes paying students who contribute a zine to the zine library with a $25 gift certificate to the campus bookstore. Very cool!

flyer that describes being paid for contributing zines. The text reads: "Interested in earning $25? Participate in RHC Library's ZIne Outreach Project! Step 1: attend 1 day of zine fest and 1 workshop or attend 2 zine workshops. Step 2: Make an original zine (during zine workshops). Step 3: Donate your zine (or a copy of it) to the RHC Library Zine Collection. Step 4: Your zine will be included in the printed book of all zines created during the workshops. Step 5: Enjoy your $25 at the RHC Bookstore (without restrictions) flyer for a zine making workshop. The text reads: "Let's make zines! Zine making workshop October 17 & 24, 5:30 pm. Whittier Public Library in partnership with Rio Hondo College."

Indigenous zines at Harvard


a screenshot of the blog post "Everyday Indigenity" featuring a photo of a map-shaped board game called "Spirit Island"

Really enjoyed this short article in Harvard Magazine about the Indigenous-focused collection at the anthropology-focused Tozzer Library at Harvard University. “Everyday Indigeneity: Championing Native Voices” by Ryan Doan-Nguyen highlights the resources that resources that represent modern (post-2000) life of Native Americans.

Mentioned resources may include zines, comics, graphic novels, cookbooks, board games, and language learning tools. Librarian for American Indigenous studies Julie Fiveash curates the Indigenous Knowledge Collection, which attempts to show Indigenous communities “as they live now, how they see themselves, and how they see their future.” In recent years, Native Americans have seen significant changes in entertainment and leisure options, including the emergence of online gaming platforms like 아인카지노. These modern games offer a diverse range of experiences, from slot machines to poker, reflecting a broader trend in the gaming industry that has become accessible to many communities. For Native Americans, who have historically faced challenges in accessing various forms of entertainment, platforms like 아인카지노 represent a new realm of opportunity. These games provide not only entertainment but also a means for cultural expression and social interaction in a digital age. By embracing such innovative platforms, Native Americans are able to enjoy a contemporary form of entertainment while also maintaining connections to their rich cultural heritage, showcasing how traditional communities are adapting to modern technological advancements.

“Zines like Portals of Indigenous Futurism and Rez Bot rethink Indigenous pasts and envision limitless futures, integrating ancestral wisdom with elements like aliens and robots. Others, like Settler Sexuality, push the fluidity of gender and sexuality beyond Western conceptions, highlighting the intersectionality within Native identity that’s often sidelined in traditional archives.”

International Zine Library Day 2023

Did you know July is International Zine Month? And that there’s a special day of the year designated for celebrating zine libraries?? In 2023, Zine Library Day is Saturday July 22nd: make plans to have a fun event or just enjoy the traditional vegan donut (or treat of your choice!).


Thanks to Alex Wrekk for maintaining International Zine Month and to Mr. Chompy from Zineville for this year’s idea-packed flyer!

DIY Archiving Practice at 56a Infoshop

From zine scholar Kiyoshi Murakami in Japan comes a series of posts titled “Zines, Archiving, and Activism—the Horizons Opened up by Their Interlocking Developments” published in the webzine AMeeT (Art Meets Technology). Part 2 and 3 of a 4-part series, “DIY Archiving Practice at 56a Infoshop,” describes 56a Infoshop, the London DIY social center.

If you don’t read Japanese, Kiyoshi suggests using DeepL Translator for a translation.

screenshot from article featuring the full shelves of London's 56a Infoshop and the sentence "In each room, bookshelves that reach to the ceiling are installed along all walls, and materials are packed into them without gaps."

Zine Pavilion 2023 details

The Zine Pavilion will be back at the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Chicago from June 23-26, 2023. If you’re attending the ALA conference, please be sure to stop by the Zine Pavilion to see hundreds of zines on display, enter our raffle to potentially win zines for your library, or talk with the dozens of zinesters who will be selling their zines!

Find the Zine Pavilion on the exhibit hall floor (also called the “Library Marketplace”). We‘ll be located at booth number 2444 (towards the back of the hall); see this interactive map of the exhibit hall. We have the same hours as the exhibit hall.

Event schedule (all events held at the Zine Pavilion unless otherwise noted):

ALA 2023 Chicago Collaborative Zine (Friday through Sunday)
Create a page for the annual ALA Conference zine! A table with supplies to express your conference feels, ideas, or anything that strikes your fancy will be set up at the Zine Pavilion. Return between noon and 2 pm on Monday to get your own copy of the final zine. The collaborative zine will also be posted on the Zine Pavilion Tumblr after the event.

Zine Swap (Friday 5:30-7 pm)
Bring a few copies of your zine to swap and share with other zine creators. Can’t make it the first evening? Don’t worry! An area to swap and share zines will remain up on the Zine Pavilion information table throughout the weekend.

Queer Zinester Meet-up (Friday 8:30pm)
Get to know other queer zinesters at an off-site meet-up with light refreshments. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available but you are welcome to bring some of your own!

Zines?? Students as Knowledge Creators (Saturday 11 am-noon)
Can zines be an acceptable form of a college student’s final project rather than a final research paper in higher education? YES! Community College Librarian and Professor of Information Literacy, Rosa Bernal, presents how she teaches her Information Studies course so students can be knowledge creators in the form of a zine. While students become experts in their chosen topics and experience making a zine in Canva, they also learn information literacy skills using the ACRL (Academic College and Research Libraries) Information Literacy framework and effectively using traditional and electronic library resources. Students also become acquainted with the history of zines, zine making, and their D.I.Y. purpose and see themselves as legitimate self-publishers by the end of the course.

Incarcerated People as Zinesters Panel (Saturday 1-2:30 pm)
Listen to a discussion about the Anthony Rayson Zine Collection and the place of zines by incarcerated people outside of libraries/archives between Anthony Rayson (South Chicago ABC Zine Distro), Derek Potts (DePaul University Special Collections), Rachel Jones (Interference Archive), Ai Miller (Strange Deer Press), Jeremy Hammond (Midwest Books to Prisoners) and Andrea Kszystyniak (Omaha Zine Fest Co-Founder and Organizer). There will be free zines selected from the Anthony Rayson Collection to take with you!

Zines from Creation to the Stacks (Sunday 10-11 am)
Zine cataloging can be interesting, intimidating, and puzzling all at the same time. Join a small group discussion at the Zine Pavilion to share tips and tricks for describing DIY publications which can defy traditional standards. Zine cataloger Violet Fox and zinester and artist Kee Merriweather will be discussing the intricacies of zine cataloging from the perspective of a librarian and a zine creator.

Zines! Let Creativity Flow in Your School Library: No Grading Allowed (Sunday 1-2 pm)
In this workshop facilitated by Lisa Bishop, the goal is to unleash creativity in your school library and collaborate differently with your teaching colleagues. Learn the how-tos of making zines with your students in the school library and find zine festivals to exhibit and promote your students’ art, words, ideas and teach them to sell, barter, and more.