Kelly McElroy, Honor Moody, Dianne Laguerta, Jennifer LaSuprema and Jude Vachon at ZLuC 2015 bar time.
Questions we’d like to address on page:
- What info can you get from zines? Why use zines in your research?
- Challenges in researching zines? e.g. metadata
- Resources for researching zines:
- zinewiki – can we reach out 1x/yr to ask people to update zinewiki entries?
- info
- zinelibrarians yahoo group
- Google zine libraries/archives map
- Particular areas, examples of richness, that zines do well with e.g. health, queer zines, trans zines, punk music… – we can link here to lists we made/are going to make of zines in particular categories
- ALTHOUGH zines are about absolutely anything/everything
We also thought it would be good to post a sample research guide on one subject e.g. bikes.
PS Can we have a Donate Zines page on