[An archive of the contents of zinelibraryday.wikispaces.com.]
2011 events:
- Aboveground Zine Library, New Orleans
- Barnard Library, NYC: 6-hour zine challenge. All are invited to Barnard to make a zine. July 21st, 11am-5pm Blog recap Photos
- Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection IZLD blog post
- Not an event, but blog post created for the day, State Library of Victoria.
- University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City: staff development session on information literacy and zines.
2012 events:
- Iowa City, IA: Pop-up library, 6-hour-zine-thing event at PS+Z. Details here. Plus, tweeting a zine each day from UIowa Libraries Special Collections at http://www.twitter.com/UISpecColl
- New York, NY: Barnard Zine Library will table at Pete’s Mini Zine Fest, and we hope other activities, TBD. Plus the Barnard Zine Librarian and fellow Orderly Disorder tour librarian zinester Celia Perez are going to do the 24-hour zine thing that weekend.
- Pittsburgh, PA: At the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Main, we’ll be setting a record for the biggest zine ever (6′ x 8′, world’s biggest magazine = 5′ x 7′).
- Pasadena, CA: At Art Center College of Design, we’ll be tabling in the student cafeteria on Th 7/19, Fr 7/20 & Mon 7/23 to promote zines and the library’s zine collection. We’re also planning a zine reading party on Wed. July 25th from noon-2pm.
2013 events:
- Barnard College Library collaboration with the POC Zine Project
Our celebration will be on July 31 instead of the 21st. So far we just have a save the date. More info to come. - And here’s an awesome 1″ button sheet made by Stephanie Mannheim: izld2013-buttons.tifizld2013-buttons.tif
This is what they look like:
(The Barnard Library text appears on the side of the button. It isn’t visible unless you’re looking for it, so the button should be usable by all.)
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – will be on 7/21, self-service collaborative zine table for people to share their hometown (Pittsburgh) love and visions for change with each other (Questions = What do you love about Pittsburgh? What would make it even better?). Will have templates for 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2 ” pages that people can fill. We’ll mail copies of the group zine to participants after the event.
Alphabet City in Auckland New Zealand – we’ll host a library open day (noon – 4pm) to celebrate! Come along to learn more about our zine library and we’ll share some info about other zine libraries in Auckland, too. We’ll give a brief talk about the library (at 12:30) and current catalogueing efforts. Come by, explore and read some zines. You can even try your hand at catalogueing a few zines and be a zine librarian for the afternoon.