Friday July 19
Breakout session 2, 11:45- 1:00pm
Session name: Instruction
Facilitator: juli
Note taker: des
Questions/topics for convo
- Instruction as a librarian and archivist, also as a professor maybe???
- Developing a session with school teacher librarians on incorporating zines
- Teen librarians working with librarians in middle school and high schools
- Outreach to instructors about how to use zines in the classroom, what benefits are
- Pedagogy and zines, using zines in one-shots
- Zines as tools for staff development and building communities of practice
- Zine workshops for teens, kids. Working with education dept at the arts museum
- Zines and info literacy instruction in higher ed
- Exploring zines in one shots
Working in K-12 settings
- What does successful engagement look like? Teen Zine Team! Zine club/zine making is integrated into library programming
- Partnering with zine fests and other community orgs to publicize
- Bringing in materials and letting folks have at it. Working towards zine fest in october
- Having themed sessions provides just enough structure
- Offering folks option of contributing to collabo zine or doing their own thing
- Other opportunities to circulate/publicize/promote zines (pop up exhibit, etc)
- Having folks bring completed zines to zine club, offering ten copies straight up and 15-20 if they donate a copy
- Introducing zines to students; how do you convey zine-ness
- Using minizines instead of handouts (lots of work but folks in university context seem to like)
- Students don’t really know what zines are great starting point for talking about zines honestly
- Ambiguity about zines is pretty awesome; bringing hella examples helps
- Engaging with print culture is not familiar to students
- Bringing in the original ugly copy to demystify the process
- Take em to the collection!!! Share what you love
- Being open about your personal story with zines helps,Â
Zines in Higher Education Settings
- Raising awareness about cool shit in archives, demystifying archives
- Storytelling and finding one’s voice
- Including zines in archives and archival one-shots
- How to get faculty buy in using zines in one-shots
- Building relationships with faculty
- If folks are assigning creative projects/posters/infographics
- Normalizing zines as a type of material/resource in one-shots
- Info literacy instruction
- Informally talking to people about zines
- Building relationships with faculty
- Building support and visibility amongst library staff: maybe you are the point person for zines but everyone should know what they are and how they can benefit library
- People who don’t see value in using zines in instruction contexts means a convo needs to happen with that person. Can’t win over everyone but initiatives that bring visibility to zines and zine collections can demystify process for staff too.
- Personal experience with zines is hella important
Zines as assignments
- Clear rubrics for what content is on what page
- You can’t force someone’s creativity or how they express that
- Gallery walk on last day of class to view each other’s work, talk about their zine, highlight sections
- Not just finished product but can the student articulate (verbally or otherwise) what their goals were, what pages mean to them
- Looking at student’s work individually
Natural allies to be found in gender studies, but what about STEM classes?
- Making a zine out of science projects; identifying zines related to STEM topics
- Graphic medicine movement
- Small Science Collective
Using Info Lit standards
Zines as collection; example of a medium type
Making zines
Instructional zines