Brazilian virtual zine collection

the front page of the Biblioteca de Zines website, featuring the caption "Uma biblioteca virtual para catalogar e arquivar iniciativas independentes em formato de zine" (translated to English, that's "A virtual library to catalog and archive independent initiatives in zine format"

In January a new site launched: Biblioteca de Zines, a very cool online, open source collection of zines from Brazil, created by Luana Góes. All zines are available via pdf and most are in Portuguese. The layout is beautiful, check out their GitHub account to see how the site was built using Next.js, and find more information about the zine library in their newsletter.

Bem-vindo ao mundo, Biblioteca de Zines!

an example of three zines from the catalog, featuring cover images, titles, and short descriptions of each zine.

Zinemaking resources at the Tiny Zine Swap Shop

Excited to stumble upon the website Tiny Zine Swap Shop, which is designed to help library workers introduce zinemaking to young people. Created by Scottish library worker Fi Johnston, the Tiny Zine Swap Shop has resources focused on the joy of making one-page zines, including a template, workshop, brief histories of zines, inspiration ideas, ideas for curriculum, and more.

See Fi give a presentation about the site at Tiny Zine Swap Shop titled “The Benefits of Zinemaking on Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing.” That presentation was part of a June 2024 “Zine Webinar Morning” sponsored by the Academic and Research Libraries Group Scotland, which includes presentations such as:

  • Penny Robertson discussed City of Glasgow College Library’s successful bid for funding with the Europe Challenge for their project where library staff and co-created zines with students.
  • Bridget McCall outlined the ongoing project at the University of Dundee to create a collaborative guide to small-press and zine creation and discovery.
  • Zines in academic spaces: the Glasgow School of Art Library: Assistant Librarians Charlotte Dunn and Jenna Meek discussed the importance of zines within academic spaces – not only as outputs but as authentic sources that can be used to diversify academic research.
  • Zines Subject Headings project at the GSA Library, using the Homosaurus and the Zine Subject Thesaurus.

The video is a great way to see what’s happening in the Scottish zine librarian scene!

Librarian visit to the La fanzinothèque genevoise

Swiss librarian Guillaume Pasquier’s blog, Biblog, is subtitled “a digital librarian’s notebook” and features interesting stories about libraries and books. A recent post, Dans les magasins, des mag-… euh, des fanzines, shares his discovery of ” the richness of the fanzine universe.” Guillaume invites librarians in the Geneva area to a January 2025 group visit to the Geneva fanzine library (La fanzinothèque genevoise). I hope there will be a followup post with highlights from the tour!screenshot of the linked blog post, with the French title "Dans les magasins, des mag-… euh, des fanzines"

Zines and incarcerated women

Really enjoyed “Transformative Collections,” a news story about a collaboration between students/faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago and incarcerated women at the Cook County Department of Corrections. The UIC Library had an integral part in supporting the RESTORE zine, part of the Rehabilitation and Engagement Supporting Therapeutic Outcomes of Renewal and Empowerment project.

Zine Zone at the New Jersey Library Association conference

I enjoyed reading about the “Zine Zone” at the New Jersey Library Association conference in May. Librarians at NJLA set up a space for attendees to learn what zines are, read zines, and get ideas on how to incorporate zines and zine-making into your own library programming. They also made a collaborative conference zine. Turns out they’ve got an NJLA Zine Zone Instagram account, too!

screenshot of the Instagram account of the Zine Zone of the New Jersey Library Association

If you’re passionate about zines in libraries, consider following the example of the NJLA Zine Zone and the Zine Pavilion to create a space at library events to connect with other zine folks and share info.

New survey on relationships between librarians and zinesters

If you’re a zinester or a librarian, consider taking this interesting new survey: Imagining Relationships Between Zine Creators and Zine Librarians. It’s part of a research project by Al Cassada at the University of Alabama considering the best ways for zine librarians to build relationships with zine creators. Participants from non-U.S. areas are welcome to take the survey; however, it’s only available in English. The survey takes about 15 minutes and will be open until November 1st. I’m looking forward to seeing the results!

PhD thesis on zines, health info and libraries

One of our zine librarian colleagues from England, Lilith Cooper. has shared their recently published PhD thesis titled The zINe-Between: A Creative Practice Exploration of Health, Liminality, Lived Experience and the Zines in Wellcome Collection. The abstract describes its scope:

Wellcome Collection, a museum and library in London, UK, has intentionally collected zines around health, medicine and the human condition since 2016. The outcome of a Collaborative Doctoral Award with Wellcome Collection, this creative practice thesis explores some of these 1000+ zines, alongside selected zines outside the collection, grouped around three themes: zines made in, from or about beds; zines which involve becoming disabled; and zines created during the COVID-19 pandemic. This exploration moves between physical and digital zines, feeling out both their distinct qualities and the space between them as a route into contemporary zine (re)production, cultures and communities.

This project is composed of two interwoven parts: a collection of original zines created over its duration and an accompanying critical thesis. Through a creative methodology which brings together zine making, autoethnographic and phenomenological approaches to zines, and semi-structured interviews with librarians at Wellcome, I argue that the concept of liminality offers a productive framework for examining material, cultural and political aspects of contemporary zines’ content, production and communities of practice. In turn, the thesis contributes to a reconceptualisation of liminality, beyond the carefully managed processes of transition described in ethnographic accounts, as ongoing, affective, embodied, messy, and non-linear.

Both drawing on and extending interdisciplinary theories of liminality, the thesis focuses on zines made from and about spaces (sickbeds), experiences (becoming disabled) and times (the COVID-19 pandemic) that are in-between, transitional, or transformative. Whilst narrative approaches and approaches that prioritise the usefulness of lived experience to medicine, research or policy often treat liminality as a period of chaos, nonsense or absence, these zines made of and from the in-between offer insight into these periods of liminality in experiences of health, illness and disability. They hold space for the episodic, fragmented and non-linear, engage in affective sense-making, (re)produce third-space knowledges and prioritise the uses of lived experience for peers.

Within the original set of zines created alongside this thesis are zines which directly addresses the concerns of chapters, zines which involve and document wider practices of reproduction, distribution, and collection, as well as those which challenge or disrupt conventions of academic research. Zine making, as a practice-based research method, offers a generative approach to both an archival collection which is proximal, intimate, living, and liminal, and to archival objects which are visual-material-textual, records of practices and processes, and traces of communities of practice as much as products. Produced from the liminal positionality of doctoral research, these zines echo the ways that the zines in Wellcome Collection document and inhabit liminal experiences, spaces and times.

Zine protesting cuts to Birmingham libraries

There have been several articles about the new Brum Library Zine, a collaborative effort to protest severe funding cuts proposed to the Birmingham Library system in England. A different author was paired up with each of the 35 neighborhood libraries and each wrote a piece inspired by that library and the people it serves. In The Guardian: Jonathan Coe and Kit de Waal among 35 writers of ‘protest zine’ defending threatened Birmingham libraries. At the BBC: Writers create protest magazine over library cuts.

This seems like a great idea to copy to support your local library system!

Dreams of Zines: zine libraries in Louisiana

I loved the article “Dreams of Zines” by librarian/archivist Sophie Ziegler in the Louisiana-focused magazine 64 Parishes. They quote Louisiana State University student Adrienne Lewis: “When I visit a new place, I always try to find where the zines are. Every time I find zines, I find my people.”

The second half of the article discusses zine collections in archives and special collections around Louisiana and highlights library outreach efforts oriented around zines. Well worth a read!

screenshot of the article "Dreams of Zines" featuring a photo of a hand holding a black and white minizine

New zine collection in Colorado Springs

screenshot of an article titled "Kraemer Family Library launches zine collection" and illustrated with a photo of a spinning rack full of zines

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs has a new zine collection, as announced in the article Kraemer Family Library Launches Zine Collection. The collection resulted from a project by UCCS librarian Liz Brown through the Radical Librarian Institute, organized by the California Rare Book School. The Radical Librarian Institute also funded $250 grants to student zinesters from diverse backgrounds (read about that in the announcement The Kraemer Family Library is Building a Zine Collection and We Want You!).flyer with information about a $250 honorarium for 10 students who attended a zine workshop and created zines for the librarayThe UCCS student newspaper also wrote about the new zine collection in the article “Library Zine Collection Brings UCCS Student’s Passions and Creativity to the Forefront” by Livi Davis.

Making Zines at the Library

bold graphic with the title of the zine "Making Zines at the Library"This fun graphic is the bold cover of a new zine by Low of YOLOW Zines, a zine creator in Minneapolis. This free 14-page zine is filled with information about resources available to those who want to create zines at the Hennepin County Libraries. It also includes interviews with zinesters and librarians. Find “Making Zines at the Library” in full color on Canva, and find the resources linked at this Google doc (

Unethical: Alfonso Vijil from Libros Latinos

I’m sharing this post by Charissa (Wasted Ink Distro) from Facebook to Latine folks selling zines and zine librarians and others buying zines. Zine librarians might want to avoid buying items from collectors anyway, but this one in particular…

Please be on the lookout for Alfonso Vijil from Libros Latinos at your zine fests. We’ve recently learned he’s been buying zines, specifically from BIPOC creators and then turns around and sells them for 3-5x the original cost to libraries without telling the zine maker or paying them the profit. He was at LA Zine Fest buying zines and was seen as recently as this past weekend at an event buying zines.

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Zines in the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collections

In 2022, the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 5 created a series of collection development toolkits as part of their Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collections project. One of those toolkits is the Zine Collection for Adults (pdf), featuring a bibliography of zines focused on a variety of health topics, including addiction and recovery, death and dying, the healthcare system, mental health, nutrition and fitness, and sexual and reproductive health.

If you’re looking for zines about health and medicine, this list could be a good place to start!